Forest Office Park (hero photo)

Pullen Park – Raleigh, NC

Finished Crossing at Pullen ParkRuston Paving was contracted to repave portions of the newly renovated Pullen Park in Raleigh.  The mini-train crossings, service and firelane access crossings had to be dressed with stone prior to being compacted and the existing parking lot required a 300 ton overlay of hot mix asphalt . The project had a tight schedule and the crews put in some long days (that went into long nights) to finish on time for the grand opening.  It was estimated that 30,000 people attended the first weekend. With a refurbished mini train, carousel, and all new amenities, the park was welcomed back by the Mayor of Raleigh after the two year renovation. Pullen Park, founded in 1887, is the first public park in North Carolina and is the 16th oldest amusement park in the world.
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