Forest Office Park (hero photo)

Glenwood Square Shopping Center – Chapel Hill, NC

Glenwood Square (pulverization)Ruston Paving crews from our Durham division have been busy working on a 5 phase project at Glenwood Square Shopping Center. Due to the shopping center's high traffic volume, we were unable to work or have any lots closed down on the weekend. The anchor store, Fresh Market, also sees a 35% increase in sales after Halloween, so we will not be able to work on this project after October 30th. Suffice it to say, this is a high pressure job that requires a coordinated effort from all involved. We have used a combination of asphalt milling and paving in the interior roads and full depth reclamation in the parking lots to renovate the center. Unfortunately, fallout from Hurricane Joaquin dampened our ability to finish everything this season but we'll be back in the spring to finish the final phase.
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